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Aeroflex-IFR RD-301A

Aeroflex-IFR RD-301A Weather Radar Test Set

Effective Peak Power (EFF), displayed on the Panel Meter located on the front panel, quantifies the effects of phase modulation in the magnetron replacing the requirement for the use of a spectrum analyzer. The EFF function allows the operator to choose the optimum tracking frequency in the presence of modes and phase pulling in the magnetron pulse. Using the EFF meter function in conjunction with the heterodyne monitor output verifies the frequency tracking accuracy of the test set, replacing the need for the echo box which is used for AFC centering.


Aeroflex-IFR RD-301A Weather Radar Test Set

The Contour Mode provides for rapid calibration and checking of contour threshold circuits, receiver color and intensity response and sensitivity by means of an additional 0 to 20 dB amplitude boost above the selected output level.

  • Heterodyne monitor output
  • (EFF) Transmitter effective peak pulse power measurements
  • Built-in PRF generator and digital read-out
  • Contour boost capabilities for testing contour threshold circuits
  • Video detector, frequency discriminator and spectrum analyzer outputs
  • Respond to radar transmitter pulse widths of 50 ns to 30 ?s

Aeroflex-IFR RD-301A

