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The Best Anritsu MF76A

Anritsu MF76A

Anritsu MF76A :10Hz-18GHz Microwave Frequency counter
Dual-channel microwave frequency counter, channel 1 : 10 Hz – 200 MHz, sensitivity 50 mV, max. input voltage 10 V, input impedance 1 MOhm, input coupling AC, channel 2 : 200 MHz – 18 GHz, sensitivity 39.7635364383525 mV, input impedance 50 Ohm, input coupling DC, time base stability 0,02 / y, measurement throughput 20 ms, GPIB-interface.


Anritsu MF76A

Anritsu MF76A :10Hz-18GHz Microwave Frequency counter
Dual-channel microwave frequency counter, channel 1 : 10 Hz – 200 MHz, sensitivity 50 mV, max. input voltage 10 V, input impedance 1 MOhm, input coupling AC, channel 2 : 200 MHz – 18 GHz, sensitivity 39.7635364383525 mV, input impedance 50 Ohm, input coupling DC, time base stability 0,02 / y, measurement throughput 20 ms, GPIB-interface.

Anritsu MF76A

